Cosmic interface

Your Interstellar Productivity Journey

Plan your goals, discover your path and achieve your vision - a productive journey through your personal universe.

Kronum transforms personal goals and tasks into a cosmic journey and offers a space-themed interface for organizing your life.

Navigate your life's missions on an expansive star map

Explore your goals and aspirations through an interactive cosmic map where life areas appear as celestial bodies. Each planet represents a different aspect of your life, offering an intuitive way to move between projects.

A minimalist solar system in dark design with a white sun at the center. Gray planets of varying sizes orbit on elliptical paths, each connected to a Name label. A plus symbol on one planet allows adding new planets. The design stands out with fine lines and a subtle glow effect around the sun.

A beautifully crafted space environment

Immerse yourself in a meticulously designed cosmic atmosphere that blends functionality with visual appeal. Dynamic lighting, subtle animations, and atmospheric effects create an engaging workspace that inspires productivity.

A futuristic spaceship with a minimalist black and white design featuring clean geometric lines and asymmetrical shapes.

Track progress across planetary surfaces

Explore each life area through detailed planetary landscapes. Your progress creates visible paths across the surface, while completed milestones shine like beacons of achievement.

The image shows a simple, round planet in various shades of gray. In the center is a hexagonal area that serves as a landing zone. Lines extend from there to three additional landing zones, which are marked by small dots on the surface. One side of the planet is more brightly lit, making the planet stand out well against the dark background.

Manage milestones and tasks with an innovative timeline system

Experience task management reimagined as a cosmic journey. Our vertical timeline integrates seamlessly with the planetary view, helping you organize milestones and tasks while maintaining a clear visual connection to your progress.

The timeline appears as a clear chronological axis with a dark background. On the left, you can see the timeframe of visible milestones. In the center runs a white vertical line along which the most important milestones are arranged. You can edit entries and add new ones.

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